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Our Vision

 We believe that the 

 voice of every child 

 should be heard 

Doing Homework

Our Mission

To help families, promote inclusion, and enhance the communication skills and well-being of children and young people


We are dedicated to providing support and resources for parents and carers of children ranging from toddlers to young adults.


Our charity supports children who experience difficulties and disabilities related to speech, language and communication.


Our Aim

to help to ’get things right’ for children and families 


Build children’s language and social communication skills, using evidence-based approaches, whilst acting as a valuable source of knowledge, guidance, and practical support for families.


​Deliver quality resources and social opportunities for CYP that promotes inclusion and wellbeing.


Collaborate to create a narrative that increases awareness and expertise in the areas of speech, language, and communication.


Help for Parents

Local Parent Groups

Peer Support

Sharing and Caring

Help for

Clubs and Activities



"the family coach who worked with us at home was absolutely brilliant" 

Ben & Lisa H, Edinburgh

"the combination of parent training and support was fantastic" 

Stuart M, single dad, Glasgow

"the range of clubs for children with special needs is amazing" 

Sarah & James C, Dundee

How you
can help

We need YOU

We welcome new volunteers, befrienders, sponsors and donations. 


Our partners

With special thanks to

our partners and funders

SLCo  is a registered charity (SCIO) no. SC046297

Contact us


42 - 44 Castle Street

Dundee,  DD1 3AQ

Join our email list and get our latest newsletters and other information

Helpline: 01382 250060

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