Useful Sources of Information
The links below will take you to a wide range of helpful resources, guides, recommended books, educational materials, and online tools.
These resources are carefully curated to provide valuable information and support for parents and carers.

Speech and Language UK
We are Speech and Language UK, and we want every child to face the future with confidence.
We give families the confidence and skills to help a child facing challenges with talking and understanding words. Read more about our advice and guidance around diagnosis, support that’s available to you, and the education system. Read more.

Maternal and Early Years
The Maternal and Early Years website covers the early years in four sections: Pregnancy, 0-3 years, 3-5 years and 5-8 years. It has a speech, language and communication development section for each age group. Aimed at everyone working in the early years workforce, it provides information relevant to all levels of practitioners. A key element of the site is to provide the best possible links to up-to-date information, resources and support. Read more.

Signalong is a sign supported communication system, designed to help children and adults with communication difficulties. It is designed to support spoken language to help people with communication difficulties understand and express themselves. The website offers Signalong resources available to purchase, as well as some free resources to download every Friday. Read more.

Talking Point
The Talking Point website offers information on children’s communication development, what to expect at particular ages and stages, and ideas for developing children’s communication. In the Early Years Practitioners section, you will find useful strategies for supporting children’s communication, enriching the nursery environment and helping children to access the curriculum. Read more.

National Literacy Trust
The National Literacy Trust’s has a number of useful downloadable resources. These support the development of early language and communication skills as the vital first step to literacy. There are tips for talking to your baby and young child, and also bilingual tips. To access these resources you need to set up an account. Read more.

The Communication Trust
The Communication Trust offers free downloadable resources, under the ‘Early Years Recources’ section which give guidance on typical speech and language development, how to develop communication skills, and how to encourage a greater level of parental involvement. Additional booklets and advice sheets are also available to purchase. Read more.

The Hanen Centre
The Hanen Centre offers information on programmes for parents and early years professionals. The programmes and the organisation help to promote the best possible language, social and literacy skills in young children. There are also tips for parents of children with speech, language and communication difficulties. Research articles on speech, language and communication development are available for reference. SLCo is a licensed practitioner for many of Hanen’s programmes. Read more.

NES Digital Resource
Health visitors and family nurses have a key role in assessing and profiling speech, language and communication development in children and breaking the inter-generational cycle of speech, language and communication need. They also have a crucial role in supporting parents who are the closest to their child to influence their child’s speech, language and communication development in a non-intrusive way. Read more.

Chatta is an innovative app designed to bolster language and communication skills in children. It's a versatile tool that can be used by educators, parents, and practitioners alike. Read more.

The Bookbug website gives information on sharing books, songs and rhymes with babies and toddlers. It provides information on Bookbug Bags, which are free and provided to every child from infancy to primary 1. You can download the words to many popular songs for babies and toddlers and watch videos of mums and dads reading Bookbug Bags with their children. There are also lots of different nursery rhymes to watch and listen to. Read more.

Words for Life
Words for Life is a website specifically designed for parents. It provides information on expected milestones, tips and fun activities to do with your child to support their speech, language and communication. You can also find words and videos for many nursery rhymes and songs.

Play Talk Read
The Scottish Government’s Play, Talk, Read website gives lots of suggestions of games, stories, songs and craft ideas for both inside and outside the house. In addition, free Play, Talk, Read buses tour Scotland with fun activities for children, on-board play-leaders, and opportunities to meet other parents. The bus ‘timetable’ can be found on the website. Read more.

BBC Tiny Happy People
BBC Tiny Happy people provides tips and information about how you can develop your baby’s language and communication skills, so they get the best start in life. The ideas and activities are easy to build into your daily routine. The website shows why and how you can bond with your child, before they’re born and throughout the first 18 months of life – it’s never too early to start. Read more.

Raise Awareness of Developmental Language Disorder
Find out all about DLD (Developmental Language Disorder). The term replaced Specific Language Impairment (SLI) and affects a lot of children. Your child may or not have a diagnosis and may have been misdiagnosed. Check out the details here. SLCO runs training courses for parents on DLD.

Parenting Across Scotland
Parents and families in Scotland mostly do a fantastic job but everyone struggles at times. This website brings together free support and information. Read more.

Ready Steady Toddler!
A hands-on guide to help you through the challenges and rewards of the toddler years. Features include tantrums and a toddler health hotspot. Read more.

Dads Rock
Dads Rock support and help Dads to engage with their children and build strong lasting relationships. They provide playgroups, counselling sessions and a Rock Music Academy. Believing that children need a diverse mix of parenting, Dads Rock would like to see a Scotland where dads are seen as being equally valuable and vital. Read more.

Action for Stammering Children
The Action for Stammering Children website offers a section for parents which gives information and advice on stammering in children. It may be useful to suggest that parents try some of the tips and to look at the advice sheets if they are concerned about their child’s fluency. Read more.

NHS 24 Mental Health Hub
NHS 24 mental health services are available to everyone in Scotland. The services available include listening, offering advice and guiding you to further help if required. The Mental Health. Read More.

Parentzone Scotland provides information and advice about education in Scotland. It includes practical ideas to support learning at home in a variety of curriculum areas, along with information on additional support needs, and tips on how parents can get involved in their child’s school and education. Read more.

Mind to Mind
If you're feeling anxious, stressed or low, or having problems sleeping or dealing with grief, find out how you can improve your mental wellbeing by hearing what others have found helpful. Read More.

Breathing Space
Breathing Space is Scotland's free, confidential listening service for individuals over 16 experiencing symptoms of low mood, depression or anxiety. You can contact them on 0800 838587 Read More.

Samaritans provide confidential, non-judgemental emotional support 24/7 for people who are experiencing feelings of distress or despair. You can contact Samaritans free by phoning 116 123 or emailing jo@samaritans.org. Read More.

Childline is a free service for children and young people for when they need support or advice. It is open 24/7, and there are many ways to get help. Learn More.

Daylight is an app to help you manage your anxiety. Daylight is a fully-automated digital CBT programme for anxiety. Daylight is an effective long-term solution for anxiety and worry, proven in a randomised controlled trial to help people living with high levels of anxiety to achieve a 71% improvement in their symptoms. Read More.

Sleepio is an effective long-term solution to sleep difficulties, validated in 12 randomised controlled trials and over 100,000 UK users to date. In a large-scale, placebo-controlled trial, Sleepio helped 76% of poor sleepers achieve healthy sleep. Read More.